恒基达鑫主营散装液体石油化工品的码头装卸、仓储、驳运中转、管道运输及保税业务。经过多年的不懈努力,公司已成为国内各方面条件最好的石化仓储基地之一。现阶段,公司在不断扩大主营业务,在增加储罐容量的基础上,逐步计划实施上下游扩张战略。 目前,公司在珠海占地约22万平方米,拥有8万吨级的码头,液体石油化工品储罐67个,总库容65万立方米,年货物吞吐量可达1000万吨以上。同时,为了抢抓国际石化产业资本向长三角及长江经济带加速转移的历史机遇,公司于2007年1月和2014年4月分别在江苏扬州化工产业园区设立全资子公司——扬州恒基达鑫国际化工仓储有限公司(“扬州恒基达鑫”)和在武汉化学工业区设立控股子公司——武汉恒基达鑫国际化工仓储有限公司(“武汉恒基达鑫”)。扬州子公司目前拥有5万吨级码头,液体石油化工品储罐71个,总库容42万立方米。武汉子公司目前拥有甲乙丙类化工仓库19000平方米,自动化立体仓库4000平方米,包装危险品仓库总库位数30000个,液体石油化工品储罐34个,总库容1.02万立方米。
公司秉承“以人为本、诚信经营、安全第一、顾客至上”的经营理念,与国内外大型石油化工公司,建立良好的往来关系,签订了长期仓储协议。恒基达鑫将继续致力打造珠三角及长三角地区具有国际服务标准的一流石化物流仓储基地。不断创新,持续发展,为区域经济和石化产业的发展做贡献。 |
Zhuhai Winbase International Chemical Tank Terminal Co., Ltd. (“Winbase”)is situated in romantic seaside city Zhuhai,and was built in 2000, and successfully listed in Shenzhen SME board in Nov. 2010, the stock code is 002492.
Zhuhai Winbase is specialized in loading and discharging, storage, transferring services, and bonded storage service. Our company is one of the greatest and best quality storage bases in China. Currently our company focus on extending the main business, which is on the base of adding tank volume, develop the upstream and downstream extent.
Nowadays,the tank area of Zhuhai Winbase covers about 220,000㎡. It has a public terminal for vessels of 80,000 DWT and there are 67 storage tanks for bulk liquid petrochemicals and finished oil products, total volume is 650,000m3, the handling capacity is 10,000,000 tons per year. At the same time, for catching opportunities which the international petrochemical capital switching to the Yangtze River Delta and the Changjiang River Economic Zone, and also the development plan of Jiangsu and Hubei Province, we have established fully share holded company in Yangzhou petrochemical industrial zone--the Yangzhou Winbase in 2007, and Wuhan Winbase – the holding company in Wuhan Chemical Industry Park in 2014. Yangzhou Winbase has a terminal for vessels of 50,000 DWT and there are 71 storage tanks for bulk liquid petrochemicals and finished oil products, total volume is 420,000 m3. Wuhan Winbase has totally volume of 10,200 m3 , including 19,000㎡of grade A/B/C1 chemicals warehouse, 4,000㎡ of automatization tridimensional storehouse, totally 30,000 storage units of packaged GD warehouse and 34 storage tanks for bulk liquid petrochemicals and finished oil products.
Zhuhai Winbase always insists in the proper business spirit. With the growth of the company’s power and the rising amount of international trading, our company has been praised by levels of government. Many times we are awarded “Top 500 Import-Export Amount in China”, “Outstanding Company of Port Establishments and Security Works in Zhuhai”, “Big Taxpayer of Gaolan Port Economic Zone, Zhuhai”, “Outstanding Company of Safe Production andOperation in Guangdong Province” etc. In 2016, the company has been honored with the High-Tech Enterprise.
Winbase works based on our business spirit of “People-Oriented, Business Integrity, Safety First, Customer Foremost”, a lot of world-famous transnational enterprises have good relation with our company and have signed long-term storage contracts. The Winbase will keep moving towards the top class petrochemical logistic base with international service standard in Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta. Devote to the growth of regional economy and the petrochemical industry.